The Official John Hopkins Covid-19 Tracker is Skewing Active and Recovered Cases. Data Should be Considered Inaccurate.

The information presented on the official John Hopkins Covid-19 tracker does not provide an accurate count of active and recovered cases.  Once a person tests positive (assuming the test is accurate) they are reported as an active case.  Most people are told to go home and isolate until they are recovered.  In New York State, the current hospitalization rate is 21%, therefore 79% of cases are told to recover at home.  The problem is, the hospitals are not following up with many, or any, of these people who were told to recover at home to see if they have indeed recovered, therefore THEY REMAIN AN ACTIVE CASE INDEFINITELY.  This also doesn’t account for people who have contracted COVID-19 and recoved at home, without ever being tested.  According the the article quoted below from, there is not even a clear definition for “recovered”.  What?!

“It’s also hard to agree on exactly what “recovered” means. Is that determined by a test, and if so, a diagnostic or an antibody test? Or is recovery assumed based on lack of symptoms, and if so, how many days must pass and what other criteria must be met?”

The result of this is that the official active case count remains inaccurately high.  Public health officials are using this data to implement and justify the current restrictions that have been put in place around the US.


If the active case count is not accurate, it should be removed from consideration and also be considered FAKE DATA.  We are being scared into isolation by FAKE DATA.  We are turning against one another because of FAKE DATA. It is time to point out this great inaccuracy being pushed by the same industries and public officials who gain power and profit from us staying isolated from each other.  The real number of active cases may be far lower and the real number of recovered cases may be far higher.  In my opinion, the indicators that should be considered for public health policy should be new confirmed cases and new confirmed deaths, again assuming the tests are accurate.


URGENT! Toilets could be possible hidden spreader of coronavirus, especially Pressure-Assisted toilets found in most public restrooms

How hygienic are your colleagues? Not very! - Initial ...

Something that most people have never heard of, Toilet plume was found to be the way that SARS coronavirus spread rapidly in a Hong Kong apartment complex in 2003.  Toilet Plume is the aerosolized droplets that are produced when a toilet is flushed.  It turns out, toilet plume can possibly be the hidden spreader of Covid-19.  All people should immediately keep their toilet lids closed when not in use and sanitize the seat prior to each use. They should also close the lid before flushing.  It is best to avoid all public toilets because they most likely do not have lids. The vast majority of commercial public toilets are the pressure-assisted type that produce an even larger amount of fine aerosol plume, which can contain air-borne virus particles therefore infecting the next user. Toilet manufacturers should be urged to come forward with any internal research they have already conducted on toilet plume to analyze if there are any methods that will help reduce the overall production of virus containing plume.

Here is a quote from one of the studies, Aerosol Generation by Modern Flush Toilets (emphasis added);

“The number of droplets appeared to increase with increasing flush energy, with statistically significant differences in droplet production across toilets. The FOM type toilet, which is ubiquitous in business, health care, and other public environments, produced far more droplets than the other toilets, both as total droplets and droplets per liter flushed.

All three modern toilets produced hundreds to thousands of droplet nuclei “bioaerosol” particles with each flush, though there were differences across toilets in droplet nuclei aerosol production as measured by mean airborne concentration produced. Aerosol production appeared to increase with increasing flush energy, in agreement with the droplet aerosol measurements immediately postflush. However, aerosol production was not proportional to preflush bowl water particle loading as would be expected for an assumed splash aerosolization model. An alternative bubble burst aerosolization mechanism is proposed that may be responsible for these results and similar results by other investigators.

There were also statistically significant differences in droplet nuclei production for different suspension particle sizes, with mean airborne concentrations decreasing as particle size increased. The mean air concentrations (or number of nuclei produced per flush) decreased with microsphere particle size.

These results provide additional support for concerns that flush toilets could play a role in airborne transmission of infectious disease via droplet nuclei bioaerosols. Further research is needed to separate the incidence of toilet flush aerosol-related airborne infectious disease transmission, if it exists as seems likely, from transmission by other routes.”

Another study on the SARS coronavirus outbreak in 2003 suggests that the size of coronavirus was ideal for it to become airborne from a toilet after being flushed.  The following is a quote from this study, Lifting the lid on toilet plume aerosol: A literature review with suggestions for future research (emphasis added);

“Epidemiologic, experimental, and modeling studies of SARS are among the most compelling indicators of the potential for toilet plume to cause airborne disease transmission. A report on the 2003 SARS outbreak in Hong Kong’s Amoy Gardens apartment complex concluded that exposure and disease propagation was likely due to virus-laden aerosols originating in the sanitary system. The system was contaminated with SARS CoV when the index patient, who was suffering from diarrhea, visited one of the apartments and used the toilet. Sewer drain bioaerosol was believed to be drawn through dry floor drain U-tube traps into the bathrooms of other apartments by bathroom exhaust fans, and some may have then been exhausted to the outside of the multistory building and carried upward to other apartments. Prevailing winds were thought to be responsible for carrying the infectious aerosol to nearby buildings where cases also occurred.,These studies suggest that SARS CoV droplet nuclei bioaerosols produced from contaminated sewage may have been highly infectious for significant periods and over long distances.

As the Covid-19 virus spreads around the world, it is extremely urgent to alert medical professionals and public health officials to limit public restroom use or ban them altogether for the foreseeable future in areas with known Covid-19 outbreaks.  Please inform your loved ones to leave the toilet lid closed unless they are using it (obviously) and to close the lid before flushing.  It would also be wise to add a disinfecting tablet (like these Clorox “hockey pucks”) to the toilet bowl tank if you have a traditional gravity-flush toilet.  This is not possible on pressure-assisted toilets because they do not have a tank which can be opened like gravity-flush toilet.

Example of how a dry P-trap (left) allows contaminated sewage fumes to pass from one restroom to another one. The one on the right is a properly functioning p-trap with an additive to prevent the water in the trap from evaporating.

Another possible avenue of virus transmission suggested in the study is floor drain p-traps which have dried out in restrooms which allow virus containing aerosol to be transported to an adjacent restroom due to air turbulence or an exhaust fan.  An easy way to fix this problem is to make sure all p-trap floor drains have water in them, ensuring a proper air seal.

Add water to your floor drains to make sure the p-trap is functioning. Over time, the water in the trap can evaporate, allowing sewage fumes to escape.



Here is a handy sign you can save, print, and post in your restroom

Researchers: Eating organic provides much greater nutritional intake vs. conventional foods

(NaturalNews) Despite propaganda put out by the pesticide and genetically modified organism (GMO) industries, the evidence is clear: organic food has a higher nutrient content than food produced with GMOs and synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

The issue is only increasing in relevance as consumers continue to turn to organic rather than conventionally produced foods. From 2014 to 2015, the amount consumers spent on packaged organic products went from $12.8 billion to $13.4 billion. That doesn’t include sales of organic produce, bulk dried goods, meat, or meals at organic restaurants.

Yet you’ll still hear certain scientists, along with pesticide and GMO company spokespeople, claim that organic food is no better for you than “conventional” food. What’s the truth? (RELATED: Discover more news about healthful vs. harmful food ingredients at

Dramatically higher antioxidant content

The evidence for organic foods’ superior nutrient content just keeps getting stronger. In 2011, the journal Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences published what was, at that time, one of the most sophisticated analyses of the prior research comparing nutrient content of organic and conventional foods. They found that in general, organic foods tend to be higher in antioxidants (including vitamin C) and phenolic acids, but may be lower in protein and vitamin A.

They hypothesized that the main difference between the foods is the excessive use of synthetic fertilizers in conventional agriculture, which adds much more nitrogen to the plants’ diets. This leads to a reduction in stress, causing the plants to produce fewer defense-related secondary metabolites, such as vitamin C and other antioxidants. But it may cause the plant to accumulate more nitrogen in the form of protein, and to increase the content of secondary metabolites unrelated to defense, like vitamin A.

The researchers found that the levels of secondary plant metabolite-based nutrients in organic fruits and vegetables were about 12 percent higher in organic than in non-organic produce. Defense-related secondary metabolites in particular were 16 percent higher.

“This subset encompasses most of the important, plant-based antioxidants that promote good health,” the researchers wrote.

In 2014, an even more comprehensive analysis reviewed the findings of 343 prior peer-reviewed studies on the same topic. This paper, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, was the largest such analysis ever performed.

The researchers found much stronger results than the analysis from three years prior. They found that the antioxidant content of organic fruits and vegetable was between 19 and a shocking 69 percent higher than that of non-organic produce. This difference was large enough that shifting to an all-organic diet could provide the same nutritional benefit as eating an extra two servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Organic food lower in poisons

Higher nutrient content isn’t the only reason that organic food is better for your health, of course. Organic food is guaranteed free of GMOs, which have been linked to organ and reproductive problems.

It is also free from the residue of dangerous pesticides that have also been linked to problems across the health spectrum.

According a study published in the journal Environmental Research, switching to an organic diet can reduce an adult’s overall pesticide exposure by 90 percent. Another study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, showed the same effect over the long-term. It found that study participants who reported eating a higher proportion of organic produce showed evidence of significantly less organophosphate pesticide exposure than participants who ate mostly conventional produce.

This translates into real health benefits. According to a letter published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, you can reduce your pesticide-related health risk by 94 percent just by eating only organic forms of the top six most pesticide-intensive fruits (currently strawberries, apples, nectarines, peaches, grapes and cherries).

Despite the growing popularity and increasingly strong case for organic foods, farmers have been slow to convert their farmland to organic production. Several major food companies are now offering monetary incentives to help farmers make the switch.


Artificial Sweetener Disease; The story of how sugar was replaced by a dangerous chemical substitute with supposed health benefits

artificial-sweetenersAspartame, sucralose, sorbitol, acesulfame-k, aspartic acid, and saccharine.

If the food you eat contains any of these artificial sweeteners, you may have just identified what has been making you sick.   Symptoms include fibromyalgia, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, muscle pain, chronic fatigue, arthritis and constant headaches.

Artificial sweeteners are now found in over 25% of all foods sold in the US.  What’s even more troublesome is many people consuming them think they are making a healthy choice by reducing calories in their diets, when in fact, they are causing havoc to their bodies.  It all started in 1981 when aspartame was approved after being banned for decades because of studies proving it carcinogenic.  Then, a suspicious line of events occur that leads up to it’s approval.  Ronald Regan consults with, then CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals, Donald Rumsfeld, for the hiring of Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes Jr as the head of the FDA.  Soon after, Aspartame is approved and Searle and Donald Rumsfeld make a fortune with it under the brand name NutraSweet.  It is interesting to note Monsanto, considered by many the most inhumane company in the world, bought Searle Pharaceuticals in 1985.  Also interesting is the fact that NutraSweet was developed in 1965 but took an astounding 16 years to be finally coaxed into approval in 1981.

Donald Rumsfeld, yes, the same Donald Rumsfeld that concocted the still unproven Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destructions, was behind the approval of the first artificial sweetener even though it was, and still is, a proven carcinogen.  The patent for aspartame expired in 1992 which allowed competitors to flood the market to capitalize on the “Sugar-Free” craze that swept the nation. Until 1996, Aspartame was not cleared by the FDA for use in anything that was heated or cooked, as it became unstable and slightly toxic.   Searle was later bought by Pfizer in 2003.

The first use of the term “fibromyalgia” in a scientific journal was in 1981; also the first year aspartame was approved for consumption. The “disease” is still a mystery to many health professionals but has been heavily linked to artificial sweeteners. The ratio of females to male with fibromyalgia is 9:1. Many more women consume sugar-free foods and beverages than males do, hence the disproportionate ratio.  Current medications for treating fibromyalgia include Pregamblin under the brand name Lyrica, approved in 2007, made by none other than Pfizer. Sales topped $3 billion in 2010.  The ultimate example of creating a problem and a cure.

Artificial Sweetener Disease; a new breed of sickness.

Probiotics, How to Get More Into Your Gut and it’s Benefits

Home made kimchi

We sometimes forget the importance of a healthy gut.  Our digestive system is full of beneficial and harmful bacteria.  Our overall health is improved when the beneficial bacteria outnumber the harmful ones.  Unfortunately, our modern diet is mostly sanitized of the natural healthy bacteria found on organic produce and then contaminated by harmful bacteria during its processing, transport and shelf life.  An out of balance gut can lead to seemingly unrelated health issues like high LDL cholesterol levels and heart disease.

It is important to get more beneficial bacteria into our gut so it can push out the harmful ones out.  One way to do this is to take two probiotic supplements each day that contain Lactobacillus reuteri.  A second way is to eat vegetables that have been naturally fermented, such as real sauerkraut or Korean kimchi (this tastes great as a side dish).  Fermenting vegetables does not produce alcohol because there is no sugar.  Instead, fermenting vegetables produce natural probiotics which our bodies have been using for thousands years to maintain healthy digestive systems.

Most health food stores sell natural sauerkraut and kimchi.  Be sure to keep it in the refrigerator because it is still alive and the fermenting process is sped up at room temperature.  In the fridge it will last for weeks.

More info about the clinical trials linked below,

Probiotic twice a day zaps bad cholesterol, could prevent heart disease.

Toxic Green Potatoes?

We’ve all seen potatoes that have some skin with a greenish color.  Usually this occurs when a potatoe has been exposed to light or stored for too long.  The skin forms chlorophyll as it prepares to sprout shoots, forming the green color.  The chlorophyll is not dangerous but thisgreen potatoe skin  process in potatoes triggers a self-defense mechanism that produces bitter, toxic substances to ward off pests and fungus, call solanine and chaconine.  Some symptoms after consuming green potatoes with elevated levels of solanine and chaconine are vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, stomach cramps and dizzyness.  Symptoms usually occur 30 minutes to 10 hours after consumption.  Consuming large amounts can lead to more serious conditions such as paralysis and even death.

I found some green potatoes chips in a bag of Cape Cod chips.  I have always assumed they were safe and ate them.  I only recently found out about the dangers of green potatoes.  After further research, apparently older generations know all about the dangers of green potatoes.  Most people that I have asked recently didn’t know anything about green potatoes containing toxins.


If you find a potatoe that is mostly the normal pale, beige color with only a small isolated green spot, it is safe to just cut out and discard any green green potatoe chipsskin and flesh and use the rest.  If the potatoe is more than 1/4 covered in green and with sprouts (a clear sign that solanine and chaconine are present) do not use it, just throw it out. Any bitter tasting potatoes are also a sign of increased levels of these toxins.  Frying potatoes is partially effective at removing the toxins, but boiling has almost no effect as the temperature is not high enough to remove the toxins.  Check your potatoes before you buy and eat them for any green.  After you buy some fresh potatoes, keep them away from any light source and allow for some air circulation.

As Americans, we love potatoes.  That bad feeling you get sometmes after eating a large portion of hot and crispy fries may have less to do with all the oil and carbs you just ate and more to do with the toxins you may have ate. Green potatoes toxic, who knew? Not me at least.



GMO corn banned in Poland; cites health concerns, massive bee die-off

GMO process

GMO corn is not allowed to be grown, at least in Poland.

Yet in the US, Genetically Modified (GM) corn type MON810 is being grown all over the country.  And most likely you ate some today.  Yes, the GM corn with its own built-in pesticide that was genetically inserted into the DNA of the common corn plant.

Every part of the plant is toxic, yet it is being consumed by basically every American, every day, in one way, shape or form, whether its:

corn syrup (soda, juice drinks, packaged foods, candy)

corn starch (fast food, baked goods, Chinese food, packaged foods)

ethanol vapor (corn-based car fuel)

beer and alcoholic drinks (most American lagers, Mikes Hard, Seagrams)

animal feed (beef, chicken, farmed raised fish, pork)

Also, a recent long term study linked GM corn to tumors, infertility, cancer, total organ failure, premature death and DNA damage in standard laboratory rats, which are used because their bodies respond similarly to a humans body.

Poland has linked the corn to colony collapse disorder (CCD) in honey bees, which are crucial to all plants to reproduce.  It’s seems logical as to why the bees are dying; they gather pollen from GM corn plants that contain built-in pesticides.  That, in itself, kills the bees.  When a company inserts a toxin into a corn plant that is designed to kill a broad range of insects, it is safe to assume the corn is also toxic when consumed in high quantities by larger animals, such as humans.   Americans have a diet that is largely dependent on corn, yet in the US, corn is still king; with the likes of Monsanto running the industry.  The same company that produced and assured us that Agent Orange was safe! 

It appears that the rest of the world is slowly but surely banning GM corn and crops for health and environmental reasons.  In the US, however, the bioengineering companies are closely intertwined with our Government. And that adds up to a toxic relationship.

original article links below:
Poland beekeepers kick Monsanto out of the hive, successfully ban bee-killing GM corn.

The Wine Industry’s Dirty Little Secret

Have you looked at a bottle of wine and noticed it almost always says it contains sulfites.  What exactly are sulfites and what do they do to us?

As it turns out, sulfites have been in use since ancient Rome.  Because of this, they have essentially been “grandfathered” in to our food safety standards.  Which also means there has been very little long-term safety studies done to prove that humans can consume it with little or no health consequences.

Sulfites are added to processed food, beer, wine, deli meats, sausage, and mass-produced pizza.  They can be labeled as sulfur dioxide, sodium sulfate, and potassium metabisulfate.   Non-organic wine (large majority of all sold in the US) contains very high levels of sulfites.  They use it to stop fermentation before bottling and to help white wines to stay crisp white instead of its natural tendency to tan slightly with age.  They are in no means necessary to produce wine.  So, along with your cup of nice California Merlot, your also getting a heavy dose of sulfites, which at least 10% of people have sensitivities to and probably don’t know it.

Some of the known symptoms of sulfite allergies include itchy eyes, runny nose, and wheezing cough.  It is often mistaken by doctors as hay fever.  The long terms effects are not really known as the food and wine industry maintain that sulfites are completely safe.  From a rational point of view, sulfites are used to kill bacteria and yeast in wine and food, so when you drink a couple of glasses wine with sulfites added, your are essentially drinking something that can kill all of the beneficial bacteria in your gut that promotes healthy digestion.   Can some stomach problems be associated with sulfites? Its very possible.

What you can do to avoid sulfites:

Look for wine bottles that contain no sulfites, such as certified organic wines. If your local wine store doesn’t carry any, just tell them to order some, they probably will.  From my own experience, when I drink an organic, sulfite-free wine, I don’t wake up with the usual headache and overall crappy feeling that I get when drinking regular wine.  That alone is enough for me to stay away from regular sulfite added wine.

Look for sulfite and preservative free deli meats or just stay away from deli meats all together. You can substitute fresh grilled chicken or roasted turkey.

Stay away from hotdogs and sausage that don’t say “sulfite free.”  If your not sure, ask your butcher if he can make sausage without sulfites.

You are what you eat, so eat healthy and you will be.


Sulphite preservatives in wine and food can cause significant health issues.

Five clues that your excess weight and health problems are caused by gluten

Is that extra weight you put on caused by gluten?

There’s a good chance it is. The wheat we now consume comes from seed that has literally been selectively bred since the ancient Egyptians.  The result is a wheat that our body has not been able to fully adapt to.  The same gluten which helps improve bread and pizza dough is also causing havoc to our immune system.

Our body can tell that something is wrong with the amount of gluten in the wheat and then responds by defending against it by attacking it through the intestines, resulting in inflammation and intestinal damage.  This keeps us in a constant state of inflammation around the gut leading to weight gain and other health issues.

Five signs that your weight issue is caused by gluten

  • Gut disorders and yeast infections
  • Skin problems, rashes, acne, and eczema
  • High blood sugar
  • Bouts of anxiety and depression – low energy
  • Early aging disorders that include dementia

The good news it that you can start reversing these symptoms by just avoiding gluten.  There are now many gluten free options available in the stores and also some of the breads are so good you wont miss the wheat stuff anymore. One brand I like is Udi’s.  You can even find gluten free beer and pizza in some stores.  Green’s gluten free beer is very good and another one that’s local to me in the Hudson Valley is  RVP’s Honey Beer.  Available nationwide, a more run-of-the-mill option is Redbridge Beer made by Anheuser-Busch.  A more comprehensive list is here.

You can try avoiding gluten for a week to see if you feel better.  If you do, you have just discovered one cause to some health issues you may have and the good news is that getting better doesn’t involve any pills or meds.


Is your house too small? Probably not enough

Americans love big houses.  It’s the symbol of success.  The showpiece of our wealth.  The epitome of making it.

We dream of them.  Envy people who have them.  Even sign our names to them for thirty years just to get bigger one’s

But are they really better than small houses?

After all, once you buy a big house, you have to fill it up.  You can’t have empty rooms, right?  Thousands and thousands of dollars are spent on furniture, window shades, tvs, kitchen appliances, landscaping, painting, etc..   All that for a few people to live there.

But also consider the energy use of such a big house.  With energy prices constantly rising, we can’t always turn a blind eye to wasting energy that we seem to take for granted.  The larger the house, the more energy it will use. Not to mention all of the cheap, toxic materials now being used to build houses are definitely not healthy living environments.

While the Tiny Green Cabin featured in the video is a bit too small, it’s at least taking a fresh look at a big problem.  I think houses should focus on high quality earth-based materials with no off-gassing or contaminates and a well thought out design maximizing light, air flow and daily functions.  This also might prevent the owners from purchasing and storing otherwise unneeded crap that seems to accumulate over the years.  We all have some of those impulse purchases that were used only once and now just take up space.  If I had a smaller home I probably wouldn’t have bought any of them.  That means I wouldn’t have wasted my money and not further increased the Trade Deficit with China.

Well, maybe it’s a good time to clean out my closet.

…maybe, tomorrow.

Dioxins in our Food!

Dow Chemicals is looking to expand it’s use of a herbicide full of Dioxin, which is linked to cancer, hormone disruption, genetic mutations, neurological damage, Parkinson’s and birth defects in humans.  The herbicide, called 2,4-D,  uses the same chemical that was used in Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.

Dow is lobbying the EPA for additional approval for use on it’s patented GMO corn, soybean, and cotton crops.   Wow, as if genetically engineering a plant to produce it’s own internal herbicide wasn’t enough, now they want to douse it with a herbicide so powerful it will basically kill any plant on earth.

Then it’s shipped to the supermarket and we eat it .  Yum!  Can I have some extra dioxins, please?

sign the petition linked below;

We Have the Right to Know About Dioxins in our Food!.

RoundUp Monsanto Danger

Hemp seed oil: The new healthy oil full of EFAs

Have you had your hemp seed oil today?

Hemp was one of the first cultivated crops in recorded history.  The oil that is pressed from the hemp seed is extremely healthy for the human body.  The decline in hemp seed oil consumption perhaps comes from the rise of the Western diet and the belief that it contains THC, which it does not.  What it does contain is the optimal balance between Omega 6 and Omega 3 EFA’s, essential fatty acids.   The Western diet is industrialized for maximum efficiency and most raw, natural foods were pushed-out by highly processed long shelf-life reduced nutrition chemical laden disease causing “food”.   The good news is real foods are slowing making a comeback in our diets after a long sad departure.

Of course, we’ve all been hearing how Omega 3 fish oil is great for our body and that we should be eating more fish that contain high amounts of it, like salmon. Unfortunately, lots of fish, especially farm-raised fish, contain high amounts of mercury and other toxins that are added to their food or now found in our polluted oceans.  That’s what makes hemp seed oil a great alternative to fish oil.

Hemp seed oil contains up to 80% EFAs which is highest among all plant sources.  It also contains vitamin D (the only plant source that contains it), and is also a powerful anti-inflammatory.  You can also apply it to your skin as a conditioner and as a natural sunscreen.

The same rules apply to hemp seed oil as they do when buying extra virgin olive oil, the higher the quality, the better.  Look for unrefined oil only; if its clear and light in color or in a plastic bottle, don’t buy it.  Look for a slightly cloudy, dark-colored oil in a glass bottle.  You can use it in a similar matter as extra-virgin olive oil, heck  just mix it together and add it your salads or toasted bread.  I’m gonna try myself a piece now.


Hemp seed oil: The new healthy oil.


Garlic more effective than antibiotics for food poisoning

Have you ever ate something you thought was questionable at best only to later find yourself regretting it while huddled over the toilet bowl?

Years ago I ate a McDonalds Chicken Fajita that I truly regret (I no longer eat McDonalds).  I slowly got pain in my stomach.  Then I collapsed on my bed and started burning up.   I would have called for help but I couldn’t move.  The next thing I can remember was waking up hours later in a cold sweat, feeling like I just got ran over by a truck.  It is the only time I’ve ever been knocked unconscious.

 Now, there’s a new secret weapon against food poisoning. Garlic. 

New studies have proven garlic to be more effective than two leading antibiotics against food poisoning.

 Research published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy claims that not only is garlic more effective than ciprofloxacin and erythromycin, it also takes a fraction of the time to work. The research was based on tests on the common food poisoning bacteria, Campylobacter. Further research in the African Journal of Biotechnology also concluded that raw garlic was effective against Staphylococcus aureus, another common food poisoning bacteria

So if you feel some stomach pain coming on after eating, down a couple of garlic capsules or chow down a few cloves of the raw stuff.  Your ensuing garlic breath would be the much lesser of the two evils.

All the info is linked below;

Garlic more effective than antibiotics against food poisoning bacteria

New Zealand woman’s Coca-Cola habit blamed for her death

On Natural Health News,  A woman has recently died at the age of 30 with no apparent causes except that she was on a steady diet of 8 liters of Coca-cola a day.  Also she was a 30-a-day smoker as well.  Coca-cola is now being considered the cause of her death.  She suffered from an extreme lack of potassium which coca-cola is known to strip from the body.  Her liver was also extremely damaged from excessive soda intake.  This all resulted to a heart-attack for this poor woman.

Her partner said she was so addicted she would keep a bottle next to her bed and drink it as soon as she woke up.

At the rate of 8 liters a day, that equals over 400 grams of sugar (really, high-fructose corn syrup, which is way worse) or just about one pound.

Also she drank the caffeine equivalent of 12 espressos.  You can read the whole article here

Do doctors really know best?


New Zealand woman’s Coca-Cola habit blamed for her death.

Health blogger threatened with jail time for advocating Paleo diet that cured his diabetes

Example of the Paleo-diet

The article linked here, is a scary example of how some government people are trying to stop people from getting healthy.  This blogger is being warned of possible jail time because he writes about his experience while on the paleo-diet, the so-called caveman diet.  The diet is pretty much everything except carbs.  Fish, meat, nuts, veggies, fruits and natural oils.  Nothing processed and minimal carbs.  High in protein and healthy fats (like omega 3).

He actually reversed his diabetes with this diet.

Because of this, he is telling everyone who reads his blog that drugs are not necessary for treating diabetes. And is that a good reason for the government to go after him?


Health blogger threatened with jail time for advocating Paleo diet that cured his diabetes.

Modern truths in ancient grains

Quinoa grains

Wheat is boring, don’t you think?

That’s why this is the perfect time to find some new grains to incorporate into your diet.  The truth is, wheat today is a far different thing than it was in the past.  With all the corporate modifications, the common wheat is being linked to gluten sensitivities in people because it is something that the human body is not familiar to so it is therefore rejecting it just like the body does for other foreign substances.

I encourage you to go to the Latin American markets and try some new grains that are not usually found in our western supermarkets.  Also try the Indian grocers or the Middle Eastern stores as well.  Try the Middle Eastern grain Freekeh  You will be presently surprised by these different grains.

Here is a list of common and uncommon grains with some info about them.  Also look at the Pseudocereals that are not technically grains but are nonetheless grain tasting and healthy. They have no gluten so they are a great substitute for wheat.


Buckwheat, Quinoa, Chia, Coxcomb, Amaranth, pitseed goosefeet, Acacia seed, Wattleseed.



Modern truths in ancient grains.

We Used To Have 307 Kinds Of Corn. Guess How Many Are Left? | Occupy Monsanto

A startling look at the reduction of biodiversity today compared to less than a hundred years ago.  The result of selective breeding for maximum yields and corporate influences on small American farmers to buy mass-produced seeds.  The bottom line is to buy local and encourage your farmers to grown less common varieties.  This also protects our food supply by reducing the effects if one species becomes infected by fungus or pests.  The uninfected species will insure us with enough food in the event of that a species is wiped out.  It will also prevent  pests and fungus from growing out of control.   You know the saying;  don’t put all your eggs in the same basket definitely applies here.



We Used To Have 307 Kinds Of Corn. Guess How Many Are Left? | Occupy Monsanto.